About The Studio
C.W. Art Studio is a real working studio for Artist Cherish Fletcher and is located in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
All Designs and artwork on our items come from the Studio and are exclusive.
"It is my Hope You enjoy the Whimsical Designs and prints and bring more color into your life." - Cherish

About The Artist
Cherish has been an Professional award winning Artist for over 20 years. From Mixed Media to oils, her Main medium in Acrylics on Canvas. She dabbles in several styles including Contemporary, Expressionism, Abstract, Impressionism and Romanticism... all with feeling and flair.
As a young Child Cherish had an imagination so wondrous and adventurous that she saw herself as living, breathing magical being. Her hometown of Yucaipa, Ca was surrounded by small mountains and rocky hills and she was sure they were long slumbering dinosaurs, the moon followed her in her travels and adventures in cars and the forest had fairies you could glimpse if you were patient enough and looked close enough.
She hopes to foster inspirational and emotionally meaningful pieces that people can be drawn to and. connect with .
For Cherish, Art goes beyond surface storytelling to delving deeper into the meanings and childlike emotions found in the hearts of people. From expression,
color, and texture to exploring the diverse medium of painting, Cherish is crafting a movement from within her soul to say what cannot be said with words.
Her artworks and designs proudly adorn and express
themselves in the homes of thousands of people around the world,
She offers her creative works reprinted in her Clothing lines, accessories and Fine Art prints.
She takes this further by creating series Art dedicated to Ehlers Danlos syndrome awareness, and by donating a percentage of all sales to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Non-Profits.
If you would like to learn more about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome please visit Ehlers Danlos Society. An International Non-profit that works around the world creating awareness and connections within the medical community and beyond.
More About the Artist here or To View Her Portfolio here or follow the Facebook Fan page to get sneak peaks, first views and latest updates.
NEW! We've Partnered With The Pledgling Foundation.
With Each EDS Related item Purchased The Studio Donates To Ehlers Danlos Society through the Pledgling Foundation, fostering awareness for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.